
Rebel Heir


Review: His Family of Convenience

His Family of Convenience His Family of Convenience by Amy Ayers
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Publishing date April 24th

*A copy of this book was provided by the publisher via NetGalley and I'm freely giving my honest review.*

I liked this story and I think one of the reasons is because of the prospect of rejoining a family. Families are what makes my heart soften.

I was however frustrated with both Marco and Senna at some point in this story. Him, because he shouldn't have given in to his family for so long. Her, because she should have had more guts to stand up for herself and her son.

In the beginning I thought Senna was going to be sassy as hell but she winded it down to my disappointment. I still felt respect for her because of the choices she made later on in the story.

The writing style is easygoing and fun and contains a lot of feelings and I do love to laugh and cry reading a book. When the author also has the capability to make me feel like I participate in the story without using unnecessary descriptions of the surroundings I'm sold.

A fair amount of dialogues and good descriptions of the characters was also contributing to the enjoyment of this book.

There are some good love scenes but that's not what makes the book good. What makes it good is feeling the love between the characters. I also have to say the storyline was for me one of the better ones.

This book is a good 5 star read if you want sweet and romantic HEA.

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