
Rebel Heir


Review: Paris for One and Other Stories

Paris for One and Other Stories Paris for One and Other Stories by Jojo Moyes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

*A copy of this book was provided by the publisher via NetGalley and I'm freely giving my honest review.*

Paris for one was a sweet story about heartbreak and overcoming it. It was sweet and romantic, some lacking in the descriptions of the main male character in my opinion but it was a good story.
I've never been to Paris but always wanted to go, and this book got me even more interested because of the descriptions of the city.
The build up in the story was good and the writing style is easygoing and fun. Even though the author had much descriptions of the surroundings it was very necessary so it just slides right in to the story

I read some of the other stories but not all of them, I think I can go back and read when I just want a short snappy story.

It's a 4 star read for me.

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